Music Therapy Infographic for Advocacy Month 2015
Posted January 8th, 2015 by Coast Music Therapy
A new year with a new vision! In honor of Music Therapy Social Media Advocacy Month 2015, we’ve reflected on some little known facts about music therapy in our “Did You Know?” Music Therapy Infographic. Did you know you can get a Ph.D. in music therapy?? Did you know there are over 6000 Board Certified Music Therapists in the United States?? Discover more below that may just surprise you!

Isn’t it exciting to learn just how rigorous and prevalent the field of music therapy has become? Let’s continue to push this new vision of music therapy forward, increasing the recognition it deserves! January 2015 will also go down in music therapy history with the unveiling of a brand new publication described below…
As the profession of music therapy has been moving forward with recognition at the state level it has been identified that a document was needed to reflect a similar format to other health care professional organizations Scopes of Practice. CBMT and AMTA worked together to create a Scope of Music Therapy Practice (2015) for the profession based on published documents from both organizations. This new document entitled Scope of Music Therapy Practice (2015) is available as an educational tool and legislative support document that broadly defines the range of responsibilities of a fully qualified music therapy professional with requisite education, clinical training, and board certification.
Click here to read the Scope of Music Therapy Practice (2015).
Through the combined efforts of The American Music Therapy Association and The Certification Board for Music Therapists, 2015 marks the 5th year of Music Therapy Social Media Advocacy Month! Throughout January, bloggers and podcasters are sharing their perspectives on music therapy, with this year’s theme being “re: VISION”. It is inspired by the release of the Scope of Music Therapy Practice (2015) and centers on how we convert challenges to advocacy opportunities. You can find more blog posts related to music therapy social media advocacy month here.
Use the hashtag #mtadvocacy to see what others are doing to advocate, or to share your own music therapy story.

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