Music Therapy for Epilepsy Research
Posted October 29th, 2012 by Coast Music Therapy
Music therapy for epilepsy has the potential to reduce seizures according to a study by the MIND institute.
While music therapy for epilepsy research is still a relatively small niche, new research shows promise.
Exciting research from the MIND institute in Santa Ana, California recently released in 2012 used music to treat epileptic activity over a three-year randomized controlled study. Treatment group subjects were exposed during sleeping hours to specific music at regular intervals. Results found a 24% decrease in seizures for those exposed to music and a 33% decrease even through the follow-up phase after music was terminated. Twenty-four percent of treatment subjects exhibited a complete absence of seizures during treatment.
This could be a huge breakthrough for families currently relying on medication and more invasive treatments.
If you have any experiences with music triggering or helping with seizure activity we’d love to hear more, as this is still an under-researched yet very important topic!
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