Student Composer Gives the Gift of Music Therapy
Posted September 23rd, 2014 by Coast Music Therapy
We are so proud of our longtime student Luke DeRoche for a recent donation he made to help a child in need benefit from music therapy.
For our recent student recitals, we asked Luke if we could purchase a Music CD of his original compositions to give out in our recital gift bags. It was such a pleasant surprise when Luke let us know that instead of us paying him for the cost of the CDs he would like to donate the money for a music therapy scholarship! Coast Music Therapy also matched Luke’s donation to further the cause.
We were excited to confirm today that Luke’s generosity will help another student Isabella receive music therapy services. Isabella’s family was so grateful to Luke’s generosity.
About Luke
Luke is 13 years old and has been a student with Coast Music Therapy for almost 10 years now! During this time he has continued to amaze us as he has grown musically. Even at a very young age, Luke had an uncanny ear for music and rhythm. Despite challenges faced by the diagnosis of autism, Luke’s musical talents were well beyond his years. He is now a full fledged composer, creating his own tunes using GarageBand from start to finish, leading to his recent Music CD. He has also delved into animation and videography, creating visual effects to go along with his compositions. His parents and sister have been there every step of the way, supporting him and also challenging him to take that next leap toward his dreams.
Veronica May, MT-BC, music therapist who has had the pleasure of knowing Luke also had this to say…
“Luke has come out of his shell over the years. He is a person with purpose and he takes care of his creativity and uses it. He’s the cream that rises to the top. I could see him scoring music for movies some day. Luke deRoche has a lot to offer this world and I’m lucky to have worked with him.”
Luke gave us more insight into his musical inspirations in the interview below.
1. What is your favorite part and most challenging part of composing a song?
My favorite part of composing music is putting all of the melodys and beats together to make the song. The most challenging part is finding the right instruments or sounds to make up those melodys and beats.
2. Who are some of your favorite bands/singers?
It is difficult to pick favorites because I like a lot, I do not usually have prefrences.
3. Is there any instrument or music technology that you’d still like to learn?
I would still like to learn how to play the mandolin and violin.
4. Do you have an idea of how you want a new song to sound before you start composing it or does it come to you as you start the songwriting process?
I have a set idea of how I want a song to look like in the end, it doesn’t come to me as I go. Sometimes I’ll get extra ideas along the way, but for the most part I have a set idea of what I want it to look like.
5. What is the most challenging part of composing a new song?
The hardest part of composing a new song is finding the right instruments to make the melody and song.
6. How has music helped you in your life?
Music has helped me live my life and enjoy my life and opened up so many opportunities.
7. What would be your advice to kids who want to learn music but feel their challenges or diagnosis is limiting them?
Don’t let your challenges get in the way in your hopes and dreams. You can overcome them and learn music. Follow your dreams and reach for the sky.

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