Educational Halloween Rhymes for Kids
Posted October 27th, 2012 by Coast Music Therapy
Check out these simple educational Halloween rhymes for kids you can chant, sing, or rap along with. Each rhyme helps with a different learning goal area including prepositions, skip counting, attributes, pretend play, and speech production.
These rhymes are ideal for use by teachers, speech therapists, music therapists, and parents. They can be used with students in special education and general education settings.
Click here for the full color PDF printable version.
1. Ghosts, Ghosts, Ghosts
LEARNING GOAL: Prepositions
Ghosts fly up and ghosts fly down.
Ghosts, ghosts, ghosts all through this town!
Some go left and some go right.
Some float over the clouds all night.
A few even hide right under my chair
But I don’t mind, I’ll give them a scare. BOO!
[use shakers or ghost toys/cut-outs to mimic movements]
2. Haunted House Hooray
LEARNING GOAL: Skip counting
2, 4, 6, 8 I hear some rattling at the gate!
3, 6, 9, 12 I see creepy crawlies on the shelves.
4, 8, 12, 16 I see some slime that’s glowing green!
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
I heard a noise let’s get out of here QUICKLY!
[create movements for each line]
3. Goodie Bag
LEARNING GOAL: Attributes/ Descriptors/ Pretend Play
Shakin’ up my goodie bag. Mixin’ up my treats.
I’ll listen to my teacher to find out what to eat.
[ADULT SAYS:] “Find something that’s ______” (red, striped, round, squishy, etc.)
[Put a variety of food/candy flash cards in a bag to encourage pretend play.
Adult shakes bag with child and holds bag while child chooses correct card.
Role model responses such as ‘Yum!’ “Ewww”, “Wow”, “Yuck!”]
4. Jeepers, Creepers!
LEARNING GOAL: Speech Production
Halloween is coming soon… Jeepers, creepers, BOO!
And on that day the BLACK CATS play, jeepers, creepers, BOO!
With a MEOW, MEOW here and MEOW, MEOW there.
Here a MEOW, there a MEOW, everywhere a MEOW, MEOW.
Halloween is coming soon.. Jeepers, creepers, BOO!
[leave out last word in each phrase and wait for the student to attempt a sound or a movement (such as hands to cheeks for “BOO!”) before continuing. Add new Halloween vocabulary with sounds effects to each verse. This can be sung to the tune of Old MacDonald]